Pozíciók a Schneider Electricnél

2019. április 16. 13:17

Két pozícióra is keresnek munkatársakat.

Schneider Electric is a global specialist in energy management and the world leader in energy efficiency. We operate in over 100 countries with more than 130,000 employees. We are currently recruiting for an Energy Sourcing Analyst intern to support our sourcing activities in the CEE market and to be an active member of our energy and sustainability services group in our Budapest office.

We are currently recruiting for an Invoice Analysis and Validation Associate into our Global Data Operations team, to be an active member of our energy and sustainability services group.


Invoice Analysis and Validation Associate


Purpose of the job:

Located in Budapest, the position holder will be part of a global team identifying and resolving invoice errors, maintain special databases based on contracting and billing data.



  • Invoice management:
    • data entry, processing and analysis of invoices
    • resolve billing discrepancies with suppliers via phone or email
    • carry out invoice audits identifying charge errors in excel or in house tools
    • update reports and send to customer
  • Contract administration:
    • build excel based calculations based on contracts negotiated for customers
    • participate effectively in internal and external communications
  • Other ad-hoc tasks as assigned by manager


  • Junior candidates are welcome!
  • Experience in multinational environment is an advantage
  • University/College degree preferably in Finance/ Economics/ Math
  • Fluency in English is must,
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Excel is a must,
  • MS Access knowledge is an advantage

Skills, competencies:

  • Ability to perform in a role where productivity and accuracy are of the highest importance
  • Strong analytical and logical skills
  • Able to manage routine tasks
  • Precise, has an attention to details and an excellent quality focus
  • Ability to collaborate with internal and external parties within an international environmen


Energy Sourcing Analyst intern

Purpose of the job:

Located in Budapest, the position holder will be analysing energy supply contract prices and terms and negotiating with energy suppliers to ensure optimal contracts are secured on behalf of Schneider Electric’s clients.



  • Manage client and supplier relationships through excellent formal and informal communication
  • Work closely with the Client Management and other internal teams to deliver an exceptional level of service to our clients
  • Manage pre-tender activities through collecting interval data, invoices, contracts, etc.
  • Manage the tendering, analysis and subsequent contract award and placement processes relating to complex energy supply contracts
  • Negotiate and utilise quantitative and qualitative techniques to deliver optimal energy supply contract terms and prices for our clients through regular interaction with the energy suppliers on the related markets
  • Own and develop business processes to the highest standards of efficiency, control and accuracy


  • Ongoing studies at University/College preferably in Finance/Economics
  • Experience in client or supplier management / contract management / negotiations is an advantage
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Excel is a must
  • Fluency in English is a must
  • Czech / Slovak / Romanian / Polish / Serbian language is an advantage
  • Experience of the energy industry gained either at a supplier or an energy consultancy is a big advantage
  • Experience in multinational environment is an advantage

Skills, competencies:

  • Strong analytical and logical skills
  • An excellent influencer, negotiator and collaborator, forming effective relationships with demanding stakeholders
  • A great communicator, capable of engaging people of varying levels of seniority and experience
  • Strong time management and organisational skills
  • Results focussed, self-directed, tenacious and highly motivated


Location: Budapest, Váci street

Deadline of the application: 10th May


How to apply?

If you are interested in the opportunity please send your application to Bea Makó (Recruitment) bea.mako [at] se.com

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